Interview with Mar Merita Blat: Feminist Diplomacy and the “Gender & Sports” Projects of the French Development Agency (AFD)

30 August 2024

As a gender expert at the French Development Agency (AFD), Mar Merita Blat has been working for over 15 years to promote gender equality in France and abroad. Of French and Spanish nationality, she previously worked for the UN Women France committee as Vice President of Advocacy. She answers questions from the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation. This interview was conducted as part of the "Gender & Sports" awareness campaign carried out in partnership with Sciences Po.


  • Could you explain what feminist diplomacy is?

Feminist diplomacy is an evolution in the approach to foreign policy, placing the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls at the heart of international issues.

This evolution is crucial for the French Development Agency (AFD), where it is reflected in the incorporation of gender equity principles into the development strategy formulation. Initiated in 2014, the AFD developed a Cross-Cutting Gender Intervention Framework (CIT Gender 2014-2017) focused on reducing gender inequalities, aiming to integrate a gender perspective into its programs to enhance the effectiveness of its development support.

Building on the CIT Gender initiative, the AFD launched a Gender Equality Action Plan (2019-2022) to deepen the integration of gender considerations into its operations. This plan aligns with France’s international strategy for gender equality (2018-2022 / 2023-2027) and adheres to the AFD’s Strategic Orientation Plan (2018-2022 / 2023-2027), which positions gender equality as a key pillar of its commitment to “100% social link.”

The Gender Equality Action Plan aims to materialize the vision of feminist diplomacy advocated by France through a rights-based approach centered on local actors. The AFD is thus embarking on an ambitious effort to achieve Sustainable Development Goal No. 5.

This strategy sets priorities such as the empowerment of women and girls, combating gender-based violence, and integrating gender considerations across all sectors of the AFD Group’s interventions. Special attention is given to health and education, fundamental rights including sexual and reproductive rights, as well as the active participation of women in the Women, Peace, and Security agenda, particularly in crisis and post-crisis situations.

By adopting this approach, feminist diplomacy asserts that gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but also a crucial catalyst for sustainable development, peace, and international security. With the support of France, the AFD positions itself as a leader in promoting gender equality, highlighting the paramount importance of this issue for development policies and foreign relations.

  • How do you envision the future of feminist diplomacy, and what developments do you hope to see in the coming years?

I view the future of feminist diplomacy with optimism. We anticipate significant progress, particularly through the integration and enhancement of policies and practices that prioritize gender equality within our development mission. The adoption of cross-cutting gender methods, such as gender-responsive budgeting, strengthened accountability, strategic use of feedback for project evaluation and monitoring, and the development of strategic partnerships, among others, forms the foundation of our approach to effectively integrate gender issues at every stage of our projects. The development of a gender-specific strategy, planned for the end of this year, marks a crucial step towards consolidating our efforts and pooling resources to meet our development objectives. This strategy aims to centralize resources and knowledge on gender issues, ensuring a coherent and systematic approach across all our projects.

However, we are aware of the persistent challenges, such as the lack of sex-disaggregated data, socio-cultural barriers, and gender stereotypes. We are addressing these challenges by initiating working groups with civil society organizations (CSOs) (cf. FSOF) to better integrate field experiences and knowledge. This collaborative and innovative approach is essential for overcoming the obstacles we face. In the coming years, we aspire to strengthen dialogue with our partners on key issues such as preventing gender-based violence (GBV) and addressing masculinity. The commitment of international donors and organizations in developing and implementing prevention policies is encouraging, but it is imperative to intensify efforts to integrate gender perspectives comprehensively into governance and development initiatives. The future evolution of feminist diplomacy will depend on our ability to integrate gender issues coherently and systematically into our development policies and practices. The establishment of institutionalized gender strategies, the application of best practices in our projects, and strengthened engagement with our partners are crucial to realizing the transformative potential of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, in line with our commitment to inclusive and sustainable development.

  • In your opinion, what role can sports play in the empowerment of women and the fight against gender inequalities?

Sports can be a significant vector for the empowerment of women and girls, playing a crucial role in reducing gender disparities. By highlighting the physical and cognitive abilities of women, sports contribute to their self-confidence, independence, and personal assertion.

Sports become a privileged space for the development of vital skills such as collaboration, communication, conflict management, and leadership, skills that are applicable in both professional and personal spheres, facilitating access to opportunities in sectors often dominated by men. Beyond individual impact, sports serve as a channel for advocacy and social change by raising awareness about gender equality issues.

The successes and trajectories of women in the sports world challenge societal norms and encourage a reevaluation of gender stereotypes. Sports also create economic opportunities, whether through professional careers or the development of sports-related businesses, contributing to the economic development of communities and strengthening the financial autonomy of women. Therefore, AFD values the role of sports as a tool for gender empowerment, supporting initiatives aimed at facilitating women’s and girls’ access to sports, deconstructing stereotypes, and combating gender-based violence.

By promoting equal access to sports in public policies and advocating for inclusive sports infrastructure, the Agency contributes to the creation of forums for discussion on essential topics such as mental health, gender equality, combating stereotypes and gender-based violence, and girls’ education. Initiatives such as supporting the Youth Olympic Games in Senegal, encouraging women’s rugby in Africa, or the “Pour Elles – Sport et Culture” initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo illustrate the commitment to using sports as a means to combat gender inequalities. These projects underscore the importance of ensuring equitable access to sports for women and demonstrate how sports can act as a catalyst for their equality and empowerment.

  • Do you encounter many projects that use sports as a tool to combat gender inequalities?

Yes, the AFD encounters and supports numerous projects that use sports as an effective tool to combat gender inequalities. Since 2019, all projects funded in the sport and development sector have had the primary or secondary objective of reducing gender inequalities. These projects aim to promote gender equality through sports by facilitating girls’ and women’s access to sports and combating gender stereotypes. The Agency recognizes sports not only as a means of personal and community development but also as a powerful vector for the emancipation and empowerment of women and girls.

AFD’s approach includes enhancing accessibility to local sports facilities for girls and women, ensuring that these facilities are suitable and accessible. This involves considering gender in the construction or renovation of sports infrastructure, ensuring the availability of equipment and activities tailored to women, and removing social and economic barriers to their participation.

AFD also works to support sports movement actors in better addressing gender issues, including the training of female technical staff and the integration of gender awareness modules into training programs for the sports movement. Furthermore, AFD engages in dialogue on public policies to promote equal access to sports, combat gender stereotypes, and prevent all forms of gender-based violence in sports. Concrete initiatives, such as supporting the “Pour Elles – Sport et Culture” project in the Democratic Republic of Congo and partnerships with international sports organizations and committed athletes, illustrate AFD’s commitment to combating gender inequalities through sports. These projects and collaborations highlight the importance of equitable access to sports for women and demonstrate how sports can serve as a catalyst for gender equality and the empowerment of women on a global scale.

  • How are these projects experienced by the beneficiaries? What do they gain from them?

Projects that use sports as a means to combat gender inequalities are perceived positively by their beneficiaries, bringing about profound and varied changes in their lives. Experience gained from initiatives such as Alley-oop Africa and BoxGirls Kenya, among others, reveals the effectiveness of sports not only as a means of empowering women and girls but also as a powerful tool for social and community transformation.

Alley-oop Africa

The Alley-oop Africa project, co-financed by AFD and the Basketball Africa League (BAL), demonstrates the ability of sports, combined with edutainment, to effectively raise awareness among young people about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on gender equality and health. By engaging young girls and boys in a competition that combines basketball and sustainable development projects, this initiative aims to:

  • Raise awareness among an audience of over 120 million viewers on essential topics such as health and gender equality.
  • Highlight the sports participation of women and girls and encourage the emergence of a local ecosystem for development through sports.
  • Showcase the dynamism and potential of youth in the field of “sports and development.”

BoxGirls Kenya

AFD’s support for BoxGirls Kenya aims to strengthen the physical and mental health of young girls in Kenya through boxing, offering them a space to develop self-confidence and engage in discussions on topics often considered taboo. The outcomes of this project include:

  • A significant improvement in self-defense skills among participating girls.
  • Increased community awareness on key issues such as mental health, gender equality, and the fight against stereotypes and sexual taboos.
  • The establishment of a leadership and mentorship program for 50 girls, fostering their empowerment and the implementation of 20 community mini-projects.

The testimonials from the beneficiaries of these projects highlight significant changes not only on a personal level—through the development of self-confidence and life skills—but also on a community level, by challenging gender norms and promoting constructive dialogue on major societal issues. These initiatives demonstrate the potential of sports to serve as a catalyst for gender equality, sustainable development, and the strengthening of social bonds.

  • What impact will the Paris Olympics have on these projects?

The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be the first gender-balanced Olympics, offering a unique opportunity to showcase the commitment of AFD and France, alongside local authorities, sports movement partners, and civil society, to making sports a powerful tool for reducing gender inequalities.

In this context, AFD plans to promote initiatives emphasizing sports as a means to promote gender equality as part of its communication strategy for 2024. Furthermore, the agency is committed to supporting this cause by participating in events organized in preparation for the Games, where gender equality will be a primary concern. AFD will also intensify its efforts to mobilize sports movement actors and development finance institutions, particularly within the “Sustainable Development through Sport” coalition. This initiative aims to encourage more public and private investments in sports as a means to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 5, which focuses on gender equality.

Finally, the agency will work to mobilize financial resources and secure co-financing from external partners for projects that integrate gender equality at the heart of their sports initiatives, thereby demonstrating the importance given to this cause in the context of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Stay tuned

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